Behold, New Things

Inevitably, as the calendar turns over into a new year, we begin thinking about things we could change.  Habits, schedules, hobbies, diets, etc. 

2025 will be a year of New Things at Steamboat Rock Baptist Church.  Not because we have set a resolution to make change, but because God has set New Things in motion with Pastor Harrison’s resignation, our engagement with Interim Pastor Ministries, and Pastor Terry joining us as our interim pastor. 

2025 will bring further engagement with this search for a new senior pastor.  A transition team will lead to a search team and (God-willing) to interviews with candidates that ultimately call a new pastor.  But even with that path before us, there is still uncertainty about how and when all of those New Things will come to be.

Isaiah 43:16-19 holds an encouraging reminder of God’s sovereignty amidst new things. 

Thus says the Lord,
    who makes a way in the sea,
    a path in the mighty waters,
17 who brings forth chariot and horse,
    army and warrior;
they lie down, they cannot rise,
    they are extinguished, quenched like a wick:
18 “Remember not the former things,
    nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.

The passage starts the Prophet Isaiah writing, “Thus says the Lord”, but then it is two verses before we get to the thing the Lord actually says.  Because before God points us to the new things, we are reminded of who He is, of His provision and faithfulness.  In verse 16-17, specifically to the nation of Israel, God is reminds them of the Exodus out of Egypt as He made a way in the sea and then buried their enemies in the waters.  Once we are reminded of God’s faithfulness and provision, then God can set our eyes upon what is to come.

In verse 18 when God begins to speak, He gives direct instruction to not be stuck in the “good ‘ole days”, or to yearn for the slavery to sin we were once in.  We are obviously not to disregard God’s past faithfulness or provision (He just reminded us of that!).  But our eyes should not be fixed there.  Instead, in verse 19 we get a “Behold”.  Which is to say something like, “Look over there!  Something of supreme importance should get our attention!”.

The thing God is directing our eyes toward is the “New Things” He is going to do.  Back in Isaiah’s time the new thing would be the new exodus out of Babylon and a coming messiah.  For us in 2025 Steamboat Baptist we perceive, in part, that God is moving us towards a new pastor which will come with new perspective and strategy on ministry.

As the passage concludes in verse 19, we take courage that God will make a way in the wilderness of not having a permanent senior pastor.  That He will bring life-giving streams to spiritually dry places in our ministry area or even within our congregation.  And that ultimately, God Himself is with us through the Holy Spirit among us. 

2025 will certainly be a year of New Things, of our community needing faith that there is a path through the wilderness and dry places can be refreshed.  We can have faith because that is who God is.  Jesus is the God who makes paths in places that seemingly cannot have safe passage.  Jesus brings life to people and places that have long been dead.   

Behold! The Lord Our God is the Lord of New Things. 


Silent Night, Holy Night…


Bible Reading Plans for Kids