Birthing A Small Group


The Friday before Alfred was born, was, well, a lot. The day before the midwife team had told Victoria that it was getting close. So, with an appointment scheduled for Monday we needed to tie up some loose ends. We sat down and made our plan: tour the birthing center, visit the doctor, get our go bags ready, and I needed to get a vaccine. We also planned to take an online birthing class Sunday after church. We never got to take the class. In the scramble, it was feeling like we wouldn’t get everything done. Victoria had scheduled maternity pictures for Tuesday. She had really wanted to get these pictures done, but it just wasn’t going to happen. She texted Lindsay Oelschlager to cancel and schedule newborn pictures. Much to our surprise Lindsay was willing to give up a couple of hours Friday evening to do the pictures on short notice. The pictures turned out great. I have no doubt that Lindsay would do this for other people as well but being in a small group with her certainly helped. Getting those pictures done helped us feel like we had crossed everything off the list and were ready to welcome our new baby. Lindsay, our small group leader, blessed us and provided us with a sense of calm and peace. We’re not the only ones with a small group pregnancy story. A month before I was told of a small group leader who drove a pregnant small group member to the hospital while she was in active labor. Driving very fast with screams coming from the back seat he called the hospital to let them know they were coming it hot. Just thirty minutes after arriving the baby was born.

I’ll admit Victoria and I’s story is not nearly as dramatic as the speeding to the hospital one, but both demonstrate the power of small groups. Our church over the years has witnessed the amazing things God does through small groups. The beauty of a small group isn’t that everyone is the same. The goal isn’t to create Christian Cliques, but rather beautiful communities. When a small group aims at the Bible it doesn’t matter how different they may be because as they walk towards what unites them, they become closer. That is exactly the offer that’s out there for you. If you’re not in a group God wants to draw you closer to him and other believers. If you’re in a group maybe God is calling you to be sent off to start a new one.

Small Groups begin in September, so now is the time to consider leading or joining a small group. There will be a sign-up at the Welcome Center all month for anyone who is interested in being in a group. As you sign up, I’d ask you to consider checking the box that you’re willing to be a leader.




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The Baby and the Bathwater