Lord, Teach Us to Pray

With all of the summer activities like baseball, softball, pool time, and vacations, you’re certain to be busy! Summer is such a fun time, but schedules certainly look very different than the school year.  In all the activities and fun to be had, what if we told you that as a family, you and your kids could finish the summer knowing the Lord’s Prayer and what each part means in Scripture, and how to apply that to your lives? I think that would be a pretty cool thing to accomplish as a family and a great investment of time!

My hunch is that over the years you have been at a funeral, wedding, or church service where a pastor asked the congregation to recite the Lord’s Prayer together. I’m sure many of you can recite it. But where did you learn it? Did the church you attend growing up say it in Sunday School or during regular church services? Maybe your grandma or grandpa had your family recite it before mealtimes on holidays. Regardless of if or when you learned it, The Lord’s Prayer is definitely worth memorizing and studying. In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6), Jesus instructs his followers the manner in which we are to pray. But he also teaches his followers how to pray. In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus tells us the words of what we now call The Lord’s Prayer (in whatever version you’ve learned it in).

Our new worship service schedule starts on Memorial Day Weekend with the Traditional Service at 8:30 AM and the Contemporary Service starting at 10:30 AM. Starting on June 4th at 9:30 AM (ending at 10:20 AM) in the Fellowship Hall, we are kicking off a 7-week series on The Lord’s Prayer, called “Lord, Teach us to Pray.” This class is designed for children, youth and adults and our teachers will be making the class applicable for everyone, which will include activities, visuals, and engaging Bible Studies. I will kick things off on our opening day and we’ll have different gifted teachers leading each week. We also plan to be intentional at our tables to get a variety of age groups represented. This is extremely valuable, but sometimes lacking, in our culture today. And, by the end of July, we’ll have memorized the Lord’s Prayer together! 

The Intergenerational Summer Pathway Class is designed for 1st graders through adults. It will start on June 4th and conclude on July 23rd (with no class on July 2nd). For families with Kindergarteners and below, we have a special class lined up for you with awesome teachers. That class will meet in the Nursery.

We know that another hour on Sunday AM is a huge investment of time during the summer. But, would you pray and consider committing to be a part of this class? It’s summertime so we definitely understand that you won’t be able to make it every week, but come when you can!  I really believe that our kids, youth, and adults will not regret being a part of the study.

Our Father Who Art in Heaven

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Bryce Roskens - Associate Pastor

Bryce is the Associate Pastor at Steamboat Rock Baptist Church


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