Waiting List

I came across this statement the other day, “If people understood the impact they could have on kids and the spiritual blessings that would be present in their lives, there would be a waiting list for those wanting to serve in Children’s Ministry.” (Brian Dunks). I believe that Children’s Ministry is one of the most important areas in the church. Here are four impelling reasons why you might want to be a part of our Children’s Ministry at SRBC.

1.      Children Matter to God

Remember how Jesus openly welcomed children to His side and affirmed their worth in Matthew 19? In fact, Jesus not only wanted the children to come to Him, but warned against making them feel unwelcome. Kids are a priority to God. They matter to Him. So if God’s priorities matter to you, you may want to consider serving in Children’s Ministry.

2.      Multiple Generations Will Be Impacted

“If you want to change the future of the family, then serve the children. If you want to develop future leaders of the church, then serve the children.” When you serve in Children’s Ministry, your efforts will be multiplied time after time.  Interacting with kids in a loving manner and teaching them the truths of God’s Word will lead to children who believe becoming parents who teach their children the Truth and become church leaders themselves. Psalm 78 challenges the older generations to share with the younger generations the glorious deeds, wonders, and mighty acts of God. If you are reading this, you are an older generation than the kids that are part of our Children’s Ministry. Go share!

3.       Your Learning Will Continue

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control can only be learned while serving in an area where those same characteristics are needed. In other words, you grow in character while serving kids where you need abundant amounts of the fruit of the Spirit! Flexibility is a trait that will be strengthened while serving our kids. Working with children will also teach you humility, another characteristic that God wants to develop in each Christian. You may not get all the applause and recognition by serving in Children’s Ministry, but the rewards are multiple, not only here on earth, but also in heaven. I like this thinking: “The fruit of the Spirit is best learned while holding a baby, kneeling on the floor with a toddler, sitting at the table with a preschooler, or listening to an elementary student that wants so much to be noticed.” If you want to continue to grow in Christ, then working with children might be the right area to serve.

4.      Seeing Lives Change (Including Yours)

An informal poll was taken in our adult Sunday School class this past Sunday that just strengthens the statistics that seem to prevail in formal polls. Most people come to Christ for salvation when they are young. Elementary children and younger are in those formative years that allow you to introduce the love of Jesus Christ into their lives and disciple them so that they become lifelong followers of Jesus. And leading a child to Christ—that is one of life’s most precious gifts—and it changes your own life! It charges your battery, it gives meaning to your ministry, and fires you up spiritually! If you want to serve in an area where young people are coming to faith in Christ and continuing to grow in Him, then Children’s Ministry is the place for you.

So here is my challenge. We all agree that we want to see the next generation grow into God-loving, serving adults who will, in turn, raise Godly families. We all agree that God wants us, in fact-commands us, to find a place of service. Children’s Ministry just might be the place for you! We would love to talk to you in how you might serve with us!

Because Kids Matter,

Serving God Together,

Shari Coelho

Children’s Ministry Director




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