40 Days of Remembering Jesus
What is Lent? Lent is a period of 40 days that helps prepare us spiritually for the most important Christian holiday—Easter. It begins on what is called Ash Wednesday and ends the Saturday before Easter Sunday. And if you are counting, it does not include any of the Sundays in that period. This year Ash Wednesday falls on March 5th. During Lent, we think about how much Jesus gave up for us. He gave up His life so we can be freed from the power of sin and death (Philippians 2:5-11). The 40 days of Lent is set up as a reminder of the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness in preparation for His time in ministry to the world.
Why celebrate Lent? In the Bible, Isaiah 40 and Mark 1, both tell us to get ready: “Prepare the way for the Lord and make straight the paths for him.” But what does that mean? Think of preparing your heart like asking the Lord to help you with some “spiritual spring-cleaning.” For some, spring cleaning is an annual fresh start—a time to declutter and deep clean. Lent is an opportunity to do similar things in our Christian life.
How can I celebrate Lent with my family? First, help your children understand the big goal of Lent—drawing closer to God and remembering Jesus as a Servant and as a King. Then, plan some family activities together and challenge them to establish some new personal traditions they can keep with them each year.
Family Activities:
· A Family Fast (give up something as a family AND REPLACE IT with a spiritual act). For example, giving up a TV show to write letters to some aged relative or giving up pizza for the 40 days to donate the money to a food pantry.
· Take a Prayer Hike (spend time outdoors as a family with a walk). Pray together first and then encourage everyone to walk quietly, notice God’s Creation, and spend time in silent prayer and reflection with the Creator.
· Create a Prayer Jar (write down prayers and blessings and store them in a jar). Read the entries out loud several times each week and encourage each other as a family.
· Make Egg-stra Special Eggs of Grace (a 48 hour challenge for each member of the family). Add a strip of paper inside plastic eggs. On the paper, write down ways to be a blessing (deserved or not) to someone else. For example, do a specific chore at home, write a note of encouragement to someone, say something kind to someone outside of the home, find a way to serve another member of your family without being told. Then, each person chooses an egg, opens it, and has 48 hours to do that deed of grace. Come back on the 3rd day to share your experience.
· Make an Easter Banner as a family showing the real reason for Easter
· Cook together as a family (maybe Easter cookies or a Last Supper meal
· Have a Watch Party (watch an Easter movie and then discuss its meanings and lessons)
· Go through your home and donate items (40 items in 40 days) to a homeless shelter or another community benefit
· Choose a book to read instead of individual screen time
· Start the practice of a Family Devotional Time
· Memorize Scripture (Philippians 2 or Isaiah 53:1-6)
· Serve together at a Homeless Shelter
· Visit a nursing home and bring along some simple gifts for the residents
· Bake some treats for the local police, fire department, and emergency services departments
· Make or Take a Meal to a person/s in need (elderly, single mom, grieving, young adult away from his or her family, etc)
· Purchase food items and give to the local food pantry
Use your imagination and creativity as a family and Celebrate Lent this year!
---Shari Coelho
Children’s Ministry Director, SRBC