So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night

In the bottom left drawer of my desk sits a rather bulging file organizer. It is one of the few physical files that I update with some regularity. I am a millennial after all, everything is digital. In that file I have every note, card, children’s drawing, and letter I’ve ever received from you as a congregation. Over the course of nearly six years, 2,127 days, I have cherished and kept every note of encouragement and appreciation you sent my way. As I look over them now while I clean out my desk, I must tell you my heart is heavy. To leave such fine people who make up such a fine church is to indeed leave a piece of my very own heart behind. Much of my own personal, academic, and professional accomplishments have taken place in your midst. I wish I could come around to each of you individually and shower you with my gratitude, but the time is short. So, to all of you I thank you for your support, encouragement, and appreciation. And more importantly, I thank you for your love, care, and prayers.

Many of you have asked what is next for us and the short answer is that we do not know. We are taking the next step in our grand adventure unsure of our next stop. There is a good bit of fear as there always is in the unknown. And yet I feel as though the world is opening to us. God has been kind to us in the past and I believe he will do so again. Perhaps, since both my family and this church are in seasons of transition and uncertainty we will make good prayer partners. I’m aware of your prayer needs, but maybe you do not know mine. So let me put them before you.

Derr Family Prayer Requests

·         For a new ministry or job opportunity for Vince

·         For a generous buyer for if/when we need to sell our home

·         For a new church family to invest in wherever we land

·         For Victoria’s Grandpa Terry and his chemo treatment of Pancreatic Cancer

·         For Alfred to continue to learn new words

·         For Alfred to learn how to ride his balance bike this spring and summer

·         For our entire family’s continued spiritual health and wellbeing

That is probably enough for now. If you would like to stay updated on us and you have my number shoot me a text. I’ll do my best to respond, but please understand we have a lot we need to tackle in the coming months. If you have enjoyed my ministry, thoughts, or writings I’d encourage you to join my personal newsletter. It’s called Holy Interesting, and I post every Monday and every other Friday. At this moment I’m working through the book of Acts devotionally and posting sections from my ordination paper. Shameless plug out of the way, it is time to say goodbye.

We recently watched The Sound of Music with Alfred for bedtime. Some of you probably caught the reference in the title. I am struck by Georg’s resolve and love for his home. He and his family are so deeply rooted in love and principle. SRBC has been a home for me and my family. Georg didn’t really know what the future would hold for him and his family. He did know, however, that he was leaving his beloved Austria behind. We also do not know what the future holds for us, but we know that we’re leaving behind our beloved SRBC. So, with no further musing my family and I must bid you “so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night”, may God bless you.


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