All Glory Be to Christ

Happy New Year, Church!  As we come out of the Advent Season, and now into the New Year many of us look forward with resolutions, hopeful growth, and new goals to reach for.  All of which are fine and admirable endeavors.  To start this season off, I want to share with you a song that hopefully helps us think about situating these new resolutions, new goals, and new year under the Lordship and Glory of Christ. 

In the last month, many of us likely watched the heart-string-tugging Christmas classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life”.  That movie closes with a bunch of joyful people singing “Auld Lang Syne”, an old Scottish song with a long tradition in the English-speaking world.  It’s traditionally sung on New Year’s Eve to bid farewell to the previous year and usher in the new one.  In fact, some of you may have spontaneously burst into this song at the stroke of midnight that rang in 2024. 

(To be honest, I’ve sung that song on many New Year’s and I’m not sure I actually know the words.) 

Several years ago a Christian artist named Dustin Kensrue re-worked the lyrics to point us Christ-ward into the new year.  This song uses the very familiar melody of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ but adds new, Christ-centered words. 

Verse 1
Should nothing of our efforts stand no legacy survive
Unless the Lord does raise the house,  in vain its builders strive
To you who boast tomorrow’s gain, tell me what is your life
A mist that vanishes at dawn,  All glory be to Christ

All glory be to Christ our King,  All glory be to Christ
His rule and reign we’ll ever sing, All glory be to Christ

Verse 2
His will be done His kingdom come, on earth as is above
Who is Himself our daily bread,  Praise Him the Lord of love
Let living water satisfy,  the thirsty without price
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,  All glory be to Christ

Verse 3
When on the day the great I Am, the faithful and the true
The Lamb who was for sinners slain,  is making all things new
Behold our God shall live with us and be our steadfast light
And we shall e'er his people be,  All glory be to Christ

As a church, we rang in our year by singing “All Glory Be To Christ” in our New Year’s Eve service.  Some of you were with us, but many of you understandably slept in, stayed in your PJs, and spent time with family.  So, I wanted to offer a few links to this song so that we might together as a church continue to give ALL Glory to Christ as we move into the new year. 

This is the original video by the band that first released this rendition.  Very modern and artistic.  The whole band is riding a merry-go-round!

This is a classical arrangement that may raise some goosebumps.  Lots of horns, stings, and majestic singing. 

All Glory be to Christ!


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