I want to remind you of the 90-day spiritual growth plan. It’s available here on our website and physical copies can be found in main street at the Welcome Desk or the Resouce Center.
Many of us see the new year as time to set new personal goals. I realize that goals are not for everyone. But, let me encourage you to allow the calendar change to spark some intentional growth. I know that for me personally goals have been a great way to spark real change and growth. For example, in 2021 I read 10 books and in 2024 I read 57 books! This has only happened because I’ve been relentless in my goal setting and planning. Just ask me about my “Book Log” spread sheet. I tackled a significant physical goal in 2024. I was skeptical I could do it. But I set a goal, and I accomplished it. Now that has grown into two new goals for 2025. I set a goal for myself spiritually to dive deeply into creation theology. I read three books, listened to lectures, read scripture, wrestled with the Spirit, and I’m happy with the outcome.
You can take a year long view or a six-month view, which are my favorite, or something shorter say 90 days. I’ve discovered that often goal setting that is growth focused tends to grow. Goals beget goals and growth begets growth. It’s like home renovations, they start in one room and then travel through the whole house over the years only to circle back around.
My challenge is to add a spiritual growth goal into you 2025. It can be 90 days, 180 days or 365 days in length. Take the assessment, look over the resources, and make a growth plan.