A Weekend with Nazareth Revisited

In October of 2022, SRBC sponsored two events with comedian/evangelist Nazareth.  We had about 250 people Saturday evening at Hamilton Auditorium in Iowa Falls and another 250 people Sunday afternoon at South Hardin High School.  I believe all those who attended enjoyed a time of laughter.  More importantly, Nazareth did an excellent job of presenting the gospel message at both of these events.  In my article in the newsletter last November, I wrote the following:

Of those 500 people, six people made a first-time decision to follow Jesus. And, another five people raised their hands indicating their desire to follow Jesus further.  Praise God for how He worked in the hearts of these people who made a decision to further their walk with Jesus.  What we don’t know is this: How many other seeds were planted during one of these events?

For those of you that attended the event on Sunday afternoon in Eldora, do you remember what Nazareth asked of those in attendance?  He asked those in attendance if they would commit to sharing Jesus with seven other people in the next 12 months.  And then he asked all of those who committed to doing that, to stand up to acknowledge their commitment to share Jesus.  Were you one of those that stood up that day?  I know that I stood up. I am embarrassed to admit that I have not honored that commitment as it stands today.  However, the 12 months are not up yet.  There is work to be done.  If you are like me, I would encourage you to not give up on this.  Start praying today that God will put people in your path who need to hear about Jesus.  And pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you as you share Jesus with them.

Recently, I was drawn to this verse: Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.  1 Peter 2:12

I am learning that being a witness for Jesus is a prerequisite to being an evangelist.  Being a witness of Jesus Christ means living my life in a way that points people to Jesus.  It is my sincere desire to live my life in such a way that people are pointed to Jesus.  As that happens, I am confident that God will put people in my life that need to hear about Jesus and how He can save them from their sins.  And that is evangelism.

Did you stand up during the event at South Hardin? I want to encourage you to not give up. Pray today that opportunities will come these next couple of months to share the good news of Jesus with someone who desperately needs to hear the Gospel message.

The Evangelism Team

Jim Kramer



Encouraging Everyone to Follow Jesus Further


It’s Time to Get Growing!