Praying God’s Word Over Your Kids

Prayer Changes Things. Through prayer, God does staggering, miraculous, overwhelming things. A life without prayer is a life without power. Prayer is your highest privilege as a parent.

2024. A new year-a new start. New beginnings. What will this year bring to your children, grown or still at home? Is there anything we can do as parents to give our kids a benefit they will never outgrow? The answer is yes. We can give to them the power of prayer that will benefit them 

Here is a quote from Mark Batterson’s book, Praying Circles around Your Children.

“You don’t have to do everything right as a parent, but there is one thing you cannot afford to get wrong. That one thing is prayer. You’ll never be a perfect parent, but you can be a praying parent. Prayer is your highest privilege as a parent. There is nothing you can do that will have a higher return on investment. In fact, the dividends are eternal. Prayer turns ordinary parents into prophets who shape the destinies of their children, grandchildren, and every generation that follows.”

I remember when our three kids were just wee ones. I would quietly enter their bedrooms and pray over them. Sometimes I would touch their head and pray that their minds would be protected from the evil one, that truth would lead them in their quest for knowledge. I would touch their hands and pray that they would serve others and God. Then their feet, that they would not walk in mischief, but run always to God for wisdom in their path of life.  Other times I would have a prayer for each of them that I would repeat every night for a week or two, and then change it up.  Another tool I had would be a monthly calendar and I would use Bible verses to pray over them.

There are many tools we, as parents, can utilize to pray for our kids, whether they are still under our roof, gone to college, have an apartment in another city, or already have a family of their own. Big or small, they need to be prayed over. They need a prayer warrior on their behalf. This year, 2024, let’s be that prayer warrior for them. I’ve determined that this year I’ll be that one for my kids. I’ll be using the Prayer Calendar that I’m sharing with you. Maybe you can use it for your kids, too!

Shari Coelho

Children’s Ministry Director


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