Salvation History Happening in Rural Iowa

There is a category of Psalms known as “Salvation-History Psalms” in which the psalmist looks back on Israelite history as a way of praising God.  Specifically, these Psalms address the exodus from Egypt, the giving of the Law, creating the nation of Israel as God’s people, and establishing David’s kingship.  From this shared history of God’s provision and salvation the people of Israel are moved to worship as they reflect upon the mighty works of the LORD. 

As I was preparing our slideshow for the Annual meeting in January, I was moved to praise and worship because of the saving work of Christ on display in our congregation this year.  Often feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people impacted and meaningful ministry being done.   Our church has a Salvation-History from right here in Hardin County.  And I hope as I touch on a few items, you might give God glory for his wonderful works.

12 Baptisms

I got to gather photos of those who we baptized this year.

There were parents baptized with their kids.  Husbands and wives baptized together.  Friends baptized alongside one another.  Families celebrating these steps of faith. 


Over the course of the year, our deacon board and congregation hear testimonies from people wanting to join the church.  For some reason, the ones I heard this year were particularly moving and impactful to listen to.  And the headline takeaway from these testimonies is that:

The transformation lasts when the Holy Spirit’s worn in an individual meets the support of a Spirit-driven community of believers.

This was a crystal clear reminder in the testimonies we heard this year.  One of the best opportunities we have to transform our communities is when we are kind and welcoming to those we encounter.

Next Generation Learning to Worship

I get a really unique perspective on our next generation as I help with the music at VBS over the summer and Radiate youth groups throughout the year.  VBS is such a gospel-saturated week that seeds of His salvation are certainly planted in those young lives through singing & dancing, fun & games.  And there is nothing that encourages my hope for the future of faith like hearing a room full of middle school or high school students singing praises louder than my guitar and voice through loudspeakers.

Worship in Tough Places

Throughout the year I got the opportunity to lead some times of worship at the Celebrate Recovery ministry and for chapel services at the Boy’s State Training School.  There is true worship happening in some really tough places.  Places where people are currently serving a sentence for sinful choices and actions and places where people are faithfully working to overcome hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

A visceral reality snaps into focus as young men confined for their crimes sing, “Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free” or “You are the way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness.  They are singing in faith (or hope, or desperation, or uncertainty) of freedom from sin & death in a facility that often seems dark and hopeless.  I actually got to see two students who had played guitar with me for chapel services or in lessons graduate from the program and return to their home communities with some hope for their future. 

There is a similar reality happening at Celebrate Recovery when feeble voices are lifted with the words of “I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God”.  The truth of those words are so close to the surface and so clearly evident in those tough places, yet that is often where the work of the LORD is done.  Not in the easy and bright places.  But in the places where the light of Jesus is at work pushing out the darkness.

These and MORE

Like the Psalms, there simply isn’t time or space to recount all of the mighty works of God.  Along with these, there were countless one-on-one conversations, small groups, meals shared, prayer times, and service projects all part of the Salvation-History in which we find ourselves. 

Church, we have much to look back on for which to praise God.  And this is just one year in the life of our church.  We can be certain we are still a part of Salvation-History.  And perhaps one day in the future, new Psalms will be written about the work of God being done RIGHT NOW in our midst. 

Please click below to watch the 2023 slideshow and I hope you may be moved to worship for what the Lord has done!


Missions Moment on the Rock


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