GodTools can make it easy for you to share Good News.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024, Brianne DeVries prayed the following prayer:

Lord Jesus,

I want to know you personally.

I’m sorry for going my own way.

Please forgive me for all my sin.

Thank you for dying on the cross to pay for my sin.

I agree to turn from my old ways and follow you as my Saviour and Lord.

I know she was praying this prayer because I was on the phone with her and looking at the same prayer on my phone as she looked at it on hers.  God had been at work in her life and through this church to create this opportunity.  Brianne gave me permission to share this story.

Brianne had lived in the same apartment building with Johnnie Ogden in 2018.  At that time, neither was trying too hard to follow Jesus or love her neighbor.  Several months ago, Brianne and Johnnie both happened to be in “A Cut Above” in Eldora.  Johnnie’s life was in a very different place.  She was helping lead Celebrate Recovery at our church, so she took the risk of inviting Brianne to Celebrate Recovery.  After five months, Brianne showed up.  Johnnie then invited Brianne to our church.  Brianne’s daughter had been part of our youth group.  At church, I was introduced to Brianne and her daughter briefly during the greeting time.

Later Johnnie hosted a meal before Celebrate Recovery on January 17 and invited me to come.  I visited with Brianne and others there over some good food!  Then on Sunday, January 21, Brianne was in church again and marked on a response card that she was “Interested in hearing how to become a follower of Jesus.”  I called her and we planned to meet before Celebrate Recovery with Johnnie, but something came up and Brianne had to stay home.  I texted her and asked if it would work to call her at home.  She said it would.

To help me share the Good News in a clear way with her, I used a helpful app called GodTools, developed by Cru (formerly Campus Crusade).  This App, which you can easily install on your phone for FREE, walks you step by step through a variety of ways to share the Good News.  It includes key verses from the Bible.  You don’t have to memorize anything.  You just walk with someone through the steps and discuss them.  There are even prompts for questions.  You can share your screen with the person so you can be on the same page even if you are not in the same room. 

GodTools also has some great training aids for sharing Jesus’ story with others.  Please download the GodTools App to your phone and click the Open button on “Teach Me to Share” to get started.  I believe God is creating an opportunity-rich environment for us.  We just need to be ready and willing to help people take that first step. Pray and trust the Holy Spirit to work while GodTools helps you be ready to help others “Follow Jesus…Further!” 

If you get a chance to meet Brianne in church, welcome her as a new follower of Jesus and if you see Johnnie, thank her for her good work with Celebrate Recovery and with encouraging Brianne through her invitations.  You will see them sitting together worshipping God side by side.


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