Songs of Thanksgiving

With the weather starting to turn and Halloween behind us, many of you (my wife included!) have already started to put up Christmas decorations.  But there is another holiday between Halloween and Christmas:


Thanksgiving is commonly thought of as an American holiday commemorating the meal shared between the European pilgrims and Native Americans after the harvest of 1621.  Thanksgiving celebrations pre-date the Plymouth Rock pilgrims and many cultures from history and around the globe have set-aside times for giving thanks and cultivating gratitude. 

There is even a whole category of Thanksgiving Psalms in the Bible.  Six that express the thanksgiving of a community (65, 67, 75,107, 124, & 136) and ten individual Psalms of Thanksgiving (18, 30, 32, 34, 40, 66, 92, 116, 118, & 138).

                   Give thanks to the lord, for he is good;

   his love endures forever.

                                                                                                            - Psalm 107:1

                   You turned my wailing into dancing;
                        you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,


                   that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
                       Lord my God, I will praise you forever. 

                                                                                                            - Psalm 30:11-12

So, I thought I would share some songs to help cultivate thanks and gratitude in this season of Thanksgiving.

1.   Gratitude by Brandon Lake

If this were a Psalm, it would be an individual Psalm of thanksgiving.  The song goes back in forth from singing praise and thanksgiving to the LORD and singing encouragement to our own spirit to never stop expressing thanks and gratitude to the LORD.  

            All my words fall short, I got nothing new

            How could I express all my gratitude?


            So, I throw up my hands, And praise You again and again

            'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah


            So come on, my soul  Oh, don't you get shy on me

            Lift up your song 'Cause you've got a lion inside of those lungs

            Get up and praise the Lord

2. Evidence by Josh Baldwin

This song encourages us to step back and look around in our lives to find those places of God’s blessing, presence, and provision.  It is a reminder to actively cultivate an attitude of thanksgiving rather than be overcome by bitterness or cynicism. 

All throughout my history

Your faithfulness has walked beside me

The winter storms made way for spring

In every season, from where I'm standing

I see the evidence of Your goodness,  All over my life, all over my life

I see Your promises in fulfillment,  All over my life, all over my life

3. I Thank God by Maverick City Music

This one will get your feet tapping and spirit moving.  This song points to an ultimate thanksgiving and gratitude we have for our salvation.  God found each one of us while we were still sinners and gave Jesus as a ransom.  And for that we should be thankful. 

He picked me up, He turned me around

He placed my feet on solid ground

I thank the Master, I thank the Savior

Because He healed my heart, He changed my name

Forever free, I'm not the same

I thank the Master, I thank the Savior, I thank God

4. These are the Days - Cory Asbury

This song is from a newer release by Cory Asbury.  It’s more of a narrative song than a corporate worship song.  But, if you are in that thick of raising kids, this one will really pull on your heartstrings and cultivate appreciation for the blessing of children and the particular struggles of that season. 

So tell 'em bedtime stories, give 'em a kiss good night

Before we know it this old house will be quiet

I know we're tired right now, Someday we'll laugh about it

Let's slow it down and raise a glass

'Cause these are the days that we'll want back

5. The Thanksgiving Song – Ben Rector

Ben Rector is not necessarily a writer of “Christian” music, but I think he is a Christian who writes music.  Here’s what he had to say about this song,

“When I started putting together the Christmas album, I realized I hadn't ever heard a Thanksgiving song. I feel like everyone has an emotional connection and a lot of memories around Thanksgiving, just like they do Christmas, so I did my best to write a song that honored that. I hope this song captures the magic and nostalgia that we all look forward to at Thanksgiving.”

So, fill your plate and fill your drink , and fill this house with family

The kind of love that all these years can’t wash away

Cause the older that I get I see that life is short and bittersweet

Thank God that it's Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving!


Introducing…Our 2023 Children’s Christmas Eve Musical - BACK…to the Manger


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