Plans Changed

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9 

I had my December newsletter article written and I ran it past the person I was writing about before sending it out.  The person texted me that they agreed with the spirit of what was written but wanted to talk with me before it was sent.  Right then I was pretty sure plans were going to change. 

We should be accustomed to the LORD changing our plans.  We should expect it.  The story of Christmas is replete with plans changed by Jesus. Mary didn’t plan to be a mother without a man.  Joseph didn’t plan to marry a woman who was already expecting a child. Joseph and Mary didn’t plan to travel to Bethlehem; it was a government mandate. They didn’t plan to have their baby crib be a manger—no room at the inn. The Shepherds didn’t plan to go into town that night, until the angels appeared. 

Jesus changes our plans. The article I had planned to write was about my excitement regarding the plans for Nolan Luther’s church planter residency.  The change is that Nolan does not feel he has the capacity to participate in the residency for 2024.  Since participating in the church planter assessment this summer, his electrician classes are requiring much more studying than in past years.  The work remains demanding, and he is realizing that he needs to learn how to throttle back.  Throttling back is not what he would have experienced by adding this residency to his already full plate. 

When God changes our plans, it leaves us with questions?  Do we do something else?  Do we stop trying to do what we were doing?  Do we do it some other way or with someone else?  These are items for prayer and discernment.  I have seen God work something out after multiple roadblocks where people could have given up.  I have seen people wear themselves out after multiple roadblocks where they didn’t give up but should have.  How do you know where or what to do when God changes your plans?  How can we know what to do with church planting?  Like the wise men, we look to the one who directs our steps.   

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5,6 


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