Reach Into Your City

The Christmas season is such a fun season for me personally in so many ways. I love the family traditions, family gatherings, the food, the decorations, the presents, Christmas Eve at our church, and so much more. I love reading and being reminded of THE REAL Christmas story- Jesus leaving his place in heaven to come to earth as a human baby. He is the bridge between heaven and earth, not just with his entrance to earth, but ultimately earth to heaven for all of those who believe in him.

Jesus knew his personal mission, which was focused on others. Luke 10:19 says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” As he took on the form of a man, he chose to become a servant, even when he didn’t have to. In Matthew 20:28, Jesus establishes this fact, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus is focused on others through serving and he often has a targeted audience: “Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent” (Luke 5:31-32).

Unlike Jesus, we can’t spiritually save those around us. But, we often overlook the fact that we are called to be a bridge of the saving grace of Jesus to those who live and work among us. While some ministry to unbelievers can be done inside the church walls (which is no doubt happening), much of it can’t be. We need to be the hands and feet that reach into our cities with the love of Jesus.

The small communities that we live in, shop in, work in, go to school in have huge needs, which often requires volunteer service. There are all kinds of ways to serve and volunteer to be the blessing that helps fulfill those needs. I have spent over a decade getting plugged into helping lead youth sports in Eldora, including coaching different age groups. I do this because I love to coach my kids, but that’s not the only reason. I’ve been able to build relationships with tons of students and parents over the years and fulfill a need in my community. I firmly believe the church should be at the forefront of opportunities like this. That’s why I got excited when we adopted our most recent vision as a church: Renewing Rural Iowa. Here’s a snapshot from that vision pertaining to Empowering Communities:  

Our congregation will renew hope in rural Iowa communities.  We will embrace serving these communities by actively offering our facilities, our resources, including financial assistance, material assistance, service, training, or support to help address food insecurity, mental, emotional, and physical needs.  We will engage with our communities’ schools and families to help staff, students, and parents. 

As we intentionally partner with community organizations and develop relationships with individuals within our communities, we will renew rural Iowans by helping connect them with Jesus in a lifesaving and life transforming relationship.  Each person in our church will actively seek out, engage with, and pray for those not yet connected with Jesus.  We will meet with them in our homes, in their homes, in our workplaces, in common activities, or community spaces.  We will share our lives with them.  As the Lord leads, we will work together to share with them the truths about Jesus Christ and invite them to connect with Jesus and His church.

I want to highlight the fact that so many people in our church are living this out already. They are taking their own personal time with the goal of making their towns better. In just a few short minutes, I brainstormed a pretty long list of some of the ways SRBC is serving in our communities. As I made this list, there was a face or faces to each one: City councils, School boards, Coaching youth and upper-level sports, State Training School, Community garden, Housing Development committees, Reading partners in schools, Organizing community holiday celebrations, School booster clubs, Organizing fundraisers for schools or individuals with health needs, City wide clean up days, Volunteer Fire Departments, Concession stands workers, Assisting with plays/musicals and School Performing Arts.

We are not a mega church, but those are some pretty strong bridges being made into our communities. Maybe you needed a reminder today about the vision that we adopted as a church that we want everyone to be a part of. What skill sets or passions do you have that might make it possible for you to reach into your city? Blessings to each of you this Christmas season as we choose to serve others and be a bridge to others, just like Jesus modeled for each of us.



Bryce Roskens - Associate Pastor

Bryce is the Associate Pastor at Steamboat Rock Baptist Church


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